Root Canals

Root Canals

A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed every year. A root canal treatment done on time can save your natural teeth and prevent the need for tooth restoration procedures.

Our tooth has a collection of blood vessels called 'pulp' that build the surrounding teeth. The pulp infection can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep tooth decay, cracks, chips, or repeated dental procedures. It can show up as an injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature, or severe pain in the tooth and gums.

If you have any of these symptoms, you might need a root canal treatment to save the tooth. During the procedure, your dentist at Falls Family Dental will remove this injured pulp, and the root canal system is cleaned and sealed. This therapy is done after administering local anesthesia so as to avoid any pain and maybe completed in one or more visits to our office, depending on the treatment required.


During the procedure, your dentist makes small access opening in the tooth after administering local anesthesia. Using small, thin, sterile instruments called endodontic files, he will clean and shape the canals of the tooth. After the canals are cleaned and shaped, a biocompatible material, called gutta-percha, is placed within them with a special adhesive cement to seal them. After the completion of the procedure, your dentist will determine if you require a post and crown to restore the tooth.

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Raleigh, NC

10450 Durant Road, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27614


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  • MON8:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • TUE8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • WED8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • THU8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • FRIClosed
  • SAT8:30 am - 1:30 pm
  • SUNClosed
(919) 659-0015